
Serving our community through various programs that impact
all ages, genders, and persons of different
socio-economic positions.

The 4 F’s Project

The 4 F’s Project also known as Fun Fit Friendly Friday was developed in 2015 and updated in 2021 by April Thompson, with children and families health and nutrition, exercise and sports, as well as building up positive character development and growing leaders in our community. This curriculum was developed with children in mind. 

We created a child-centered curriculum keeping the child and the families in mind for their future lives. Helping them to understand why it is so important to eat fruits and veggies as we know that it promotes muscle strength and cuts down on sports-related injuries, helps with the food dessert that our community is currently facing because it teaches the children to learn how to grow their veggies, it helps promote character development and leadership skills by introducing the 6 pillars of character referenced from Drake University Character Counts article.

Welcome to our 1st Brand Ambassador, D1 Volleyball Player Sopheea Mink! Sopheea will be in N.C. in July, meet her and Register for our Reading camp and participate in a free Volleyball Clinic as a bonus.

Reading Is Fun in the Sun

RIFITS was created to grab the attention of our youth in a more hands-on approach. We bring the story to life by doing various activities such as acting out scenes from part of it, going on scavenger hunts throughout the story, using props, creativity, and art,  and re-creating our own stories. Doing such things engages readers and makes them very eager to continue to actively listen, and improve comprehension and vocabulary skills. 

A Joyous Transition: Women’s 6-Month Program Outline

To support women in overcoming life’s challenges by enhancing their physical, financial, spiritual, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

6 Months

Open enrollment for women in the community.

Each month focuses on one of the six pillars: Physical, Financial, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Social Needs.

September 2024

Monthly Focus and Activities

Month 1: Physical Needs

  • Partner Program: Meladie’s 5AM Wellness
  • Components:
    • 4-week group wellness coaching (diet & exercise plan)
    • 4 mindfulness courses
    • Weekly group accountability calls
    • Two one-on-one coaching sessions per participant
    • Unlimited access to Dance with Meladie fitness classes
    • 30-day daily step challenge
  • Support:
    • Initial and exit surveys to assess mental state and progress
    • Weekly Zoom meetings to discuss survey topics
    • Weekly FreeGrocery deliveries with healthy food items
    • Community lunch to celebrate achievements
    • S.M.A.R.T. Goals Creation & Action Plan Creation
  • Monthly Focus and Activities
  • Month 1: Physical Needs
  • Partner Program: Meladie’s 5AM Wellness

Graduation Time!

Free weekly Grocery pick up and delivery for our clients all September long. Thank you to our sponsors A Simple Gesture, Second Harvest, Mr. Mike, volunteers, & Food Lion!

Thank you to Shonda and her team! Free healthy eating class, the food was delicious!